In Celebration of Hanukkah

In Celebration of Hanukkah

By Michael Chi

‘May the supreme light illumine your minds, enlighten your hearts, and strengthen the human bonds in your homes and communities.’ ~ Unknown

There are countless Festival of Lights yearly celebrated across the world, observing various traditions, each as spectacular as the other. In this episode, we bring the limelight to Hanukkah, the Jewish version of Festival of Lights, running from 28 November to 6 December 2021. 

Yoga Warrior Poses

In commemorating the Hanukkah festival, we invite you to light up your inner candle with this series of Warrior poses.

Warrior I

From mountain pose, step the left foot back 3 inches, with toes pointing out at a 45 degrees angle, feet hip-width distance apart to ensure stability. Place both palms onto the hips and align the hips by rolling the outer right hip back and outer left hip forward, keeping the upper body facing forward and shoulders same height. Bend the right knee and sweep the palms up to prayer. Tug the abdomen in, with strong anchor in the back leg and gaze up to the thumbs. Stay in this pose for 5 breath and repeat on alternate side.


Warrior II

From mountain pose, step the left foot back 3 inches, with toes pointing out parallel with the back edges of the mat. The left inner arch should be in line with the right heel. Bend right knee 90 degrees, peeling the knee out to the right pinky toe to engage the inner thighs, grounding the right foot, and left outer foot firmly into the mat. Tuck the tailbone under and abdominals inwards. Extend the arms, retracting the shoulder blades, with the arms shoulder height and fingers zipped together. Gaze at the front middle finger, stay in this pose for 5 breath and repeat on alternate side.

Warrior III

From Warrior I pose, ground the front foot firmly in the mat, lean the body weight forward, and bring the back leg up parallel against the mat, creating a T-shape with the body. Engage the standing leg by drawing the knee back and firming up the quadriceps. Straighten the top leg, curling the toes into the shins while drawing abdominals into the spine. Reach both arms forward with the biceps by the ears and roll the opposite shoulders and hips down to have them parallel against the mat. Gaze at the front of the mat, stay in this pose for 5 breath and repeat on alternate side.

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